A lezione d'Europa - Classi 3AS e 3BS

Nell'ambito del progetto Brussels EU digital stories, le classi 3AS e 3BS hanno seguito e partecipato attivamente a una lezione sull'Unione Europea, tenuta dal dott. Edoardo Casarotto (ex studente del liceo Tron-Zanella, ora Fishery Policy Officer presso la commissione Europea). In collegamento da Bruxelles, il dott. Casarotto ha spiegato agli studenti le fasi salienti della nascita dell'UE, i suoi valori e la sua mission, la politica ambientale e di tutela dei mari, in generale, e della pesca, in particolare. All'incontro hanno partecipato anche gli studenti austriaci della nostra scuola partner in questa avventura europea, BRG/Fuerstenfeld.
Tutti gli studenti hanno interagito con il dott. Casarotto tramite Mentimeter, Kahoot e con le loro domande. 
Dopo l'incontro, gli alunni sono stati invitati a scrivere un articolo immaginando di pubblicarlo su 'L'Asino Rosa'. Di seguito alcuni passaggi:
...On Thursday 21st March, 3AS and 3BS of Tron Zanella high school met Edoardo Casarotto, a Fisheries Control Officer, with other two classes from Graz, Austria. This meeting was a preparation from their school trip to Brussels, where the students are going to visit the city and the most significant European buildings. 

....Yesterday’s activity was led by Edoardo Casarotto, who talked about the European Union, its institutions (especially the European Commission), its values and priorities. Of course he also explained what he does and what responsibilities his job involves.
....I participated at the meeting and I can say that it was a unique experience. I liked the interaction between Edoardo Casarotto and us and I think he explained things really well. The online call didn't result as a restriction, as I initially thought and, overall, the meeting was interesting and useful.
....Through a series of interactive activities and discussions, Casarotto effectively navigated complex topics, igniting curiosity and prompting meaningful dialogue among the students.
....it was undoubtedly a great and meaningful experience for the students, that still have to know a big part of the world.... this type of experiences are perfect to expand horizons, to know new people and new perspectives.
...Undoubtedly, the lesson was super efficient and the guys had the possibility to learn new concepts in a different way. 
....I believe that learning this type of information is fundamental for us because we need to know the context we live in, how it works, its values and the benefits that it gives us.
Un ringaziamento di cuore a Edoardo, che gli studenti di 3AS e 3BS assieme alle loro docenti, proff.sse Zordan e Lucchetta, non vedono l'ora di incontrare di persona a Bruxelles durante il viaggio di istruzione nel cuore d'Europa e delle sue istituzioni, assieme agli studenti austriaci.